Company announcement
"…this mobility makes us productive at the right place and time."
SkinXM is an award-winning mobile app to assist users in the maintenance of skin health. It organizes the users relationship with their dermatologist, keeps track of office visits and examination schedules, keeps track of items of concern to discuss with the doctor, and provides sophisticated image analysis techniques to aid in the early detection of melanoma. It will be available from the app store shortly.
PadXM is a workflow application for incident tracking. It replaces the first responder's notepad with a convenient repository of information that can be gathered onsite. A user can immediately log a new incident, drop a pin on a map at the proper location, gather voice dictation, photographic images, video, text, and links to a contact directory. It can upload the entire incident report to a central site, completing the task. It will be available from the app store shortly.
In addition to the public apps we do for our own account, we also provide private and corporate distribution apps to support certain workflow tasks. We have experience in the Real Estate and Financial Services industries, and are now moving into the building and electrical trades. Any industry where tasks can be most effectively performed in the field with a mobile device (phone or pad) can benefit. We can also construct the collaboration website for the aggregation of individual users work product, allowing the home office to gain efficiencies of operation and oversight.

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